Sunday, August 16, 2009

Language tutorials

C Language

Developed originally at Bell Labs by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie in the second half of the 1980’s, the C Language has become a high-level programming language responsible for almost all operating systems of today. Together with the object-oriented successor of C, C++, these two languages have become commercial software’s first choice in programming language. UNIX runs on C Language and is becoming commercially acceptable on a mass scale.

Venture capital seems to be financing C Language-based software development as it is gaining interest in the job market and receiving support from large corporations and big business markets. Communications and Information Technology are some of the employment opportunities available for the expert C Language programmer.

Like any language learning exercise, the C Language begins with Variables and Constants. These Variables and Constants of basic data types create words and sentences of C, forming the C programming language. A set of instructions and rules for writing in the C Language exists, as is part of any computer programming language. These instructions are explained in online tutorials defining Statements, Expressions, Operators, Managing Input/Output Operations, Strings, Arrays, Functions, Pointers, Dynamic Memory allocation and more.

Using Preprocessor directives, Macros, define identifier string, Simple macro substitution, Macros as arguments, Nesting of macros, Un-defining a macro and File inclusion, the C Language programmer becomes familiar with the terms and functions of this complex programming language. The preprocessor in the C Language is examined in tutorials that describe modifying and reading C Language and discuss efficiency and portability.

for more info click here c-language.html

C++ Language

Created by Bjarne Stroustrup of AT&T Bell Labs as an extension of C, C++ is an object-oriented computer language used in the development of enterprise and commercial applications. Microsoft’s Visual C++ became the premier language of choice among developers and programmers.

As a procedural programming language, C++ uses program structures such as i/o (input/output), assignment statement, iterative statements, conditional statements and subprograms. Data structures of C++ include integer, real, char, arrays, structs and pointers.

Employment opportunities are numerous and well paid for C++ programmers and developers looking to work in the field of Software Engineering or as an IT Professional. Oftentimes, C++ Professionals will also be familiar with C, Linux, Unix, Java, .NET and VB (Visual Basic). Developers working with C++ can expect to participate in a variety of programming opportunities: developing systems for trading applications for an Investment Bank, developing cutting edge software applications for groundbreaking new technologies (Smartphone, PDA, etc.) to creating applications for 3-D Imaging Software or spectroscopic systems.

C++ Tutorials available in this section include explanations for simple to more advanced concepts of C++ in detail with sample coding information. A new programmer or developer interested in learning about C++ programming language and finding out why C++ is one of the most widely used programming languages for creating large-scale applications can utilize the tutorials and articles on C++ made available in this section.

for more info click here c-plus-plus.html


Developed initially by Netscape in 1995 for use with HTML pages, JavaScript is now a widely used scripting language supported by the majority of Web browsers and diverse Web tools. A registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc., JavaScript works with HTML pages, adding interactive functions that developers can use to create dynamic Web Pages. JavaScript is a less powerful version of Java that is easy to learn and use as it contains simpler syntax and rules . JavaScript’s source code is embedded into the header of the HTML page on the client side and compiled into intermediate language (bytecode) on the server side. There are no licensing issues with JavaScript.

JavaScript functions as both a procedural language and an object-oriented language. With JavaScript, a developer or programmer can create objects and attach methods and properties. JavaScript reduces the load on the server because most of the data is processed on the client side, resulting in faster processing time for millions of web pages on the Internet. JavaScript’s main functionality is in the development of web pages and web sites that are easily interactive and user-friendly.

Because of the popularity of JavaScript, career opportunities for JavaScript web developers are available all over the world. Online tutorials on JavaScript’s features are available for beginners as well as advanced developers.

for more info click here javascript.html


Microsoft’s VBScript (Visual Basic Script) is a scripting language used to create dynamic and interactive web pages. VBScript is a subset of Visual Basic, a more developed scripting language, and is commonly used on the Web as a client side scripting language and server-side processing in ASPs (Active Server Pages). The interpreted script language VBScript is designed for Web Browser interpretation. VBScript is similar to scripting languages, including; Netscape’s JavaScript, Sun Microsystem’s Tcl, IBM’s Rexx and the UNIX-derived Perl. These scripting languages have been designed to be used as an extension for html language. A Web Browser receives the scripts for websites through web page documents that are then parsed and processed.

VBScript, like JavaScript (Jscript) is an ActiveX-enabled scripting language that connects to scripting hosts such as Internet Explorer and performs functions locally using the Windows Script Host (WSH). As a general rule, scripting languages are coded faster and simpler than in the compiled languages of C and C++. VBScript is structured and used with smaller programs with limited capability. Programmers, developers and IT professionals learning VBScript should also be familiar with ASP (Active Server Pages) and possess SQL Server commercial experience. Tutorials on VBScript include controlling script routines, working with objects, variables, forms and general VBScript information.

for more info click here vbscript.html


Cascading Style Sheets or CSS, as it is informally known, is the premier developer’s tool for designing high-end websites. CSS language works with HTML to define the contents of a website with ease and flexibility in a straightforward process. Adjusting layouts and style sheets are manipulated with CSS. CSS saves programmer / designer’s time and energy in adjusting changes to the development of a website by placing the code directly into the HTML document head, and/or in a separate sheet for simple website alteration.

CSS has the additional benefit of reducing the file size of HTML documents, ridding the overall website of presentation attributes and image spacing in order to provide faster site navigation. CSS provides the programmer with secure style sheets that can be linked to a single document, ensuring correct presentation on different media including browsers, handheld devices, projectors and printers.

Tutorials and training related to CSS programming language are provided with full information on CSS Syntax, CSS Background, Working with Text and Fonts, creating Elements and Element Displays, Pseudo Classes, Media Styles, Borders, Margin, Padding, Dimensions and Colors. Sample code is supplied for the experienced or beginner developer to learn everything there is to know to create and design a dynamic, successful and professional-looking website.

for more info click here css.html

Main Frame

The term ‘MainFrame’ brings to mind a giant room of electronic parts that is a computer, referring to the original CPU cabinet in a computer of the mid-1960’s. Today, Mainframe refers to a class of ultra-reliable large and medium-scale servers designed for carrier-class and enterprise-class systems operations. Mainframes are costly, due to the support of symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) and dozens of central processors existing within in a single system. Mainframes are highly scalable. Through the addition of clusters, high-speed caches and volumes of memory, they connect to terabyte holding data subsystems.

The first mainframe vendors were GE, Control Data, IBM, NCR, RCA, Burroughs, Honeywell and Univac. Collectively known as “IBM and the Seven Dwarfs”. Through mergers, these vendors shifted within the industry, becoming “IBM and the BUNCH”. Running a version of Unix or Linux, these vendors led by IBM now include Amdahl (Fujitsu), Unisys and Sun among others.

Online training includes the History of Mainframes, Job Control Language (JCL) and thorough tutorials on the components, transactions and functions of the Customer Information Control System (CCIS). Mainframe professionals can find well-paid work in highly respected and breakthrough technology companies throughout the world as Mainframe Systems Programmers and Project Managers.

for more info click here mainframe.html


Hypertext Preprocessor or PHP as it is generally known, is a popular, Open Source all-purpose scripting language that is suited for Web development and embedded into HTML. PHP differs from Perl or C scripting languages by using special start and end tags that enclose the code, allowing the programmer to freely move in and out of “PHP mode”. PHP is distinguishable from client-side JavaScript because the code is executed on the server. The client receives the script results without being able to determine the underlying code. Configuring the web server to process all HTML files with PHP allows for safer and more secure scripting possibilities.

PHP is a simple and easy to use scripting language for a beginner developer but offers professional programming options and advanced features. PHP is focused on server-side scripting but has many more possibilities within designing, building, testing and deploying PHP sites. The syntax of PHP is similar to C, Java and Pearl and allows the web developer to create code for dynamically generated web pages in a quick and simple manner.

Although the main target field for PHP is server-side scripting, PHP can also be used for command line scripting and writing desktop applications. Tutorials include overviews and specific information on file manipulation, arrays, strings, functions, operators, variables, data types and installation for PHP. PHP is versatile and can be used with Linux, Unix, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and other operating systems. PHP supports many web servers and the developer can choose whether to use PHP as a procedural programming or object-oriented programming tool.

for more info click here php.html


A dialect of SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language), XML (Extensible Markup Language), is not a programming language but a set of rules that structure data in a representational manner. XML rules are standard, leading the programmer to create documents

that are automatically processed and generated for the World Wide Web. The breakdown of XML is as follows: Extensible, meaning user-defined tags, Markup, a collection of tags and XML Tags identifying data content.

Created in 1996, XML 1.0 was implemented for use in 1998 in association with the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Like HTML, XML is a markup language but it differs in its use of tags and attributes (markup). XML complies with cross-platform scripting language to create active information and interpret text-based code. XML language defines what the data is and HTML defines what it looks like (fonts and display).

Tutorials on the basic background information about XML, Elements in Document Type Definitions, Attributes, Entities and using XML with scripting languages are presented in ease to understand XML tutorials. Computer Sciences Engineers and IT Professionals are expected to be familiar with XML in addition to other open source technologies such as Java, Linux, Perl and MySQL. Software engineers, programmers and developers utilize XML in the development of web applications.

for more info click here xml.html


“Asynchronous JavaScript And XML”, otherwise known as AJAX, is a programming language that allows a web page to receive miniscule amounts of data from a web server without reloading the complete web page. Ajax works together with JavaScript. AJAX permits Web pages to be dynamic, interactive and behave as local applications. This combination of features is known as “rich client” applications. AJAX is similar to Dynamic HTML and allows synchronous and asynchronous access to remote services by using the XMLHTTPRequest object.

Before AJAX technology was developed, a request from the user for the retrieval of data would cause the entire Web page to be refreshed, resulting in very slow loading time and minimal interaction between the user and the web page. With the advent and success of AJAX, websites utilize the “remote scripting” of AJAX to better the functionality and waiting time of interactive and dynamic websites. The server exchanges small amounts of data without the user’s knowledge, increasing the speed, usability and navigation of web pages.

It is necessary for any IT professional programmer or developer to be familiar with the Ajax programming language. Online Training explaining the uses of Ajax, critique of Ajax, Challenges, Framework, basic overview of Web Services, XML, security aspects and the power of Ajax are discussed through tutorials in this section.

for more info click here ajax.html


Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet format, endorsed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) that works with HTML documents using simple syntax and various style properties denoted by English language keywords.

CSS1 (Version 1.0) incorporated innumerable layout settings suitable for downloadable HTML pages. CSS2 (Version 2.0) provides additional XML support, downloadable fonts and audio presentations for visually impaired users. CSS3 (Version 3.0) continues in development and its improved highlights include: vertical text, extensive backgrounds and borders, speech recognition and user interaction.

Most web browsers support CSS3 as it becomes more popular and more web designers implement the use of CSS3 in their layout design. Web designers and web developers CSS3 can find valuable employment all over the world.

Informative online training articles based on CSS3 including tutorials on Selectors, multi column features, advantages, opacity, wrapping and link usage and creation are covered in this section. CSS3 is modularized, providing greater flexibility and capability for the developer or programmer. Maintenance of the system is improved from earlier versions and allows for individual modules to be tested and integrated with ease. CSS3 has become popular with developers due to faster completion time, more flexibility and easier maintenance of web pages.

for more info click here css3.html


UML (Unified Modeling Language) is an object-oriented analysis and design language defined by the Object Management Group (OMG). UML is used in the software engineering field and describes a programming language used as a graphical designation to create an abstract model that can be used in a system (UML model).

UML is primarily used to construct software intensive systems. In today’s information technology industry, the need for efficiency and rapid software development in short periods of time has become a programmer’s main challenge. Building complex software applications is a difficult process and learning and utilizing UML assists the developer in seeing these processes through.

UML supports twelve diagramming methods including structural (class, object, component, deployment), behavioral (case, sequence, activity, collaboration, state chart) and model management (incorporating packages, subsystems and models). The UML tutorials in this section provide the computer sciences professional with a 7-day UML educational tutorial. Within the course of the tutorial, a programmer can learn the basics of UML diagramming structures. The 7-day tutorial is broken down into digestible information that includes four days of UML theory and three days of practical usage. The thorough tutorial provides the IT professional with lessons, questions and exercises to further practice development of UML.

for more info click here uml.html


“What exactly is jQuery anyway?” Well simply put jQuery is an extensive and vast JavaScript library that offers a tier of functions that are meant to ease and simplify normally complicated JavaScript development. Learning jQuery: Better Interaction Design and Web Development with Simple JavaScript Techniques is a wonderful introduction to JQuery framework. The book offers many informative code samples and extremely helpful tutorials about how to make JQuery work for you and how to deal with common issues as well as not so common issues such as; acquiring information with the use of AJAX and manipulating tubular data.

for more info click here jquery.html

Interview Section

Interview Notes

A computer sciences professional is required to attain a certain level of expertise if he wants to be successful in a career in software development or programming. As there are a great deal of options for an individual interested in Information Technologies, this section provides a series of interview notes to prepare the IT professional for real-world interviews. In order for the computer sciences professional to be knowledgeable about various software, he must invest time and energy in educating himself.

The articles in the Interview Notes section of the tutorials will help to prepare the serious IT professional with a series of practice tests and interview questions he can expect to be confronted with when searching for employment. Practice tests in Java, C#, Quality Management, C, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), ASP.NET, VB.NET, Data Structures and other programming software and scripting languages are provided to train and instruct the developer and programmer.

In addition to practice tests, the tutorials also provide a series of interview questions that will help the programmer or developer study for future employment interviews. An IT professional should be well versed in the terminology and functions of software and scripting languages. Interview questions on a wide range of topics include C, C#, C++, Java, Core Java, JCL, Servlets, JSP, Software and Web Testing and Database Testing, among others.

for further info click here notes.html

Sample Resumes

Are you looking for sample resumes in your professional area of employment to help you create a successful document that will get you a job? A resume for an individual seeking employment is the summary of a person’s experience on-the-job, his qualifications and expertise in his area of specialization. It is important to have a current, up-to-date resume that highlights the skills and assets of the individual to represent himself in the most professional manner possible.

Your resume is your calling card and is one of the keys to creating a successful career. Creating a successful resume can be time-consuming and painstaking. Developing a top-notch resume to represent yourself in business is not only mandatory but is also the way a potential employer will select a potential employee out of hundreds or thousands of candidates on paper. Distinguishing yourself among the sea of competition is the trick to a successful resume. Using the sample resumes in this section, you can get an idea of how to structure your personal resume for success by reading example resumes made available here.

Possessing a good quality resume can make the difference between getting passed over and obtaining an interview for a dream job. Whether you are a Preschool Teacher, Civil Engineer or Business Analyst, these sample resumes will help you to write a coherent, well-developed resume that suitably describes your experiences.

for further info click here sample-resumes.html

Resume Tips

Every successful employee started off with a great resume and knowing as many resume tips as possible can help you get the dream job of your choice. Writing a good resume take time, energy and some critical thinking in order to produce a document that will get you noticed by your potential employer. A resume is used to get your foot in the door, beat out the competition and get you noticed on paper. A killer resume is the first step to having a successful career in your field or industry.

Through Resume Tips articles in this section, an individual looking for guidelines and helpful advice on creating or improving his resume will find what he is searching for. Resumes can be written in different styles and formats and possessing good resume writing skills will assist you in finding a job and representing yourself accurately to potential employers.

It’s never a good idea to lie on your resume but knowing how to describe your skills, qualifications and job experiences in an enthusiastic and descriptive manner is a skill in itself that can help you stand out in the sea of employment competition.

for further info click here resume-tips.html

HR Interviews

HR Interviews can be a source of stress and anxiety when you are looking for a job. So much can be riding on the success of the interview that an individual may become overwhelmed by the interviewing process itself, causing the individual to represent in a less-than flattering light. The HR Interview articles in this section of tutorials will assist you in preparing for one of the important interview process.

HR interview is your chance to make a good impression on your potential employer and ultimately, get the job. How you present yourself, what you wear, how you answer difficult questions and your general attitude all play key roles in HR interviews. Being prepared is the best way to gain employment in today’s competitive job market. Knowing relevant information about the company you are interviewing for, knowledge of the job and the industry surrounding the job can make or break an interview.

All interviews are not the same and HR interviews are often times a screening process that can earn you a follow-up or selection interview within the company. If an individual passes the selection interview, he may be required to participate in a group interview for final analysis. The key to success in HR interviews is to be yourself while respecting your employer.

for further info click here hr-interviews.html

Conversation Skills

An employee with expert technical skills, expertise and experience is considered valuable, whereas an employee with additional talents in conversation skills is an invaluable asset to the company. It is simply not enough in today’s job market to be good at what you do, you must also be able to communicate well with subordinates and authority and possess necessary skills in order to move towards next level within your career track. Your career growth is highly dependent on conversation skills. In fact, a person with less experience and fewer technical skills but who is adept at the art of conversation has a better chance of getting a promotion.

Communication is the key to any personal relationship and your professional relationships are no exception to this rule. There is a great deal of value in working with a person who listens well, processes information and expresses clearly. Since conversation and language are the base means by which we all communicate, having excellent conversation skills is a must for any serious professional, no matter what your field of interest is. The art of conversation is only limited by your imagination.

The articles in this section can help you teach yourself to maintain etiquette in conversation, encourage meaningful conversation and learn how to begin and sustain formal and informal conversation.

for further info click here conversation-skills.html

How to face an Interview Successfully??..

This is a small guide for any candidate who are willing to face on any interview. Personally i know how exciting and heart-smashing thing to face important interviews, specially when it comes to the very first interview in the life :) . So hope that these little set of instructions would really be useful to you, when your interview is ahead. Read it and comment on your own experience and other thoughts :)

The interviewer hopes that YOU are the right person for the job. They are under pressure to fill the position so that they can get back to their own work. Therefore you are in a greater position of strength than you think. Concentrate on what you have to offer in the way of qualifications and experience instead of feeling intimidated.

An interviewer has 3 aims:

1) To learn if you are the right person for the job.
2) To assess your potential for promotion
3) To decide whether you will fit into the company environment.

The key to a successful job interview is in preparation

* Be prepared: For the types of interview questions you will be asked
* Be prepared: To ask questions yourself
* Be prepared: To research the company
* Be prepared: To look the part
* Be prepared: To turn up on time

Job interview questions you may be asked

* Q- How would you describe yourself?
* A-You should describe attributes that will enhance your suitability for the position. Have some ready in advance.

* Q – What are your long-term goals?
* A – These should be career orientated. Make sure you have goals to discuss.

* Q – Why did you leave your last job?
* A – This could be for more responsibility; a better opportunity; increased income. Do not be detrimental to your previous employer. He could be the interviewer’s golfing partner.

* Q – Why do you want this job?
* A – Your answer should be: more responsibility or better opportunity or similar. Not: because it is closer to home or the gym.

* Q – What are your strengths?
* A – You should highlight accomplishments and experiences that relate to the position for which you are applying. Also, give examples of situations where your strengths have been demonstrated.

* Q – What are your weaknesses?
* A – This should not be a list of deficiencies. Don’t mention anything that could make the interviewer question your ability to do the job, for example “I am always late for everything.” Instead, discuss a weakness that could also be a strength such as “I am a workaholic!”

More Examples of Good Interview Questions

* Tell me a little bit about yourself.
* Describe your current / most recent position.
* What made you want to make this change?
* What do you most enjoy doing in your current /most recent position?
* Describe your future ambitions.
* How would you describe yourself?

Good interview questions for YOU to ask

* Asking questions at interview has a number of positive effects:
* It helps you find out more about the company and the position.
* It can be used to divert the interviewer away from a subject you may wish to avoid.
* It can help build a rapport with the interviewer.
* It demonstrates an interest in the job and the company.

The questions must be about the position and the company. Avoid questions about salary, benefits and facilities until after you have been offered the job.
You should already have researched the company and it’s products and services. Your questions should demonstrate knowledge of the company’s history, successes and problems. If the interviewer is a representative of the personnel department the questions should relate to the company and be general. Specific questions relating to the position should be kept for the line manager who will have a more detailed knowledge.

Example questions relating to the position

* What are the main responsibilities of the job?
* What are the most difficult aspects of the job?
* How did the vacancy arise?
* What is the career path relating to this position?
* How will my work be assessed?

Example questions relating to the company

* What is the company hoping to achieve in the next 12 months?
* What new products are the company planning to introduce in the future?
* Are any major changes planned for the department/company?
* Who are your biggest competitors?

Where to find company information

* Information relating to companies, financial data, industries and business trends is available in business magazines which often publish on the World Wide Web and allow you to order Annual Reports relating to specific companies.
* Companies often have their own web site.
* Newspapers – search on-line press reports including archived articles.
* Local library.

Interview Tips – Presentation

* Obviously you should be clean and smart in appearance but you should also dress appropriately for the position, for example: a student placement that is more expensively dressed than the Managing Director may have a negative impact.
* Clothes should be on the conservative side, which is more acceptable to people of all ages, cultures and backgrounds. After all, you are asking to be accepted into the company. Therefore always avoid extremes in hair, clothes, make-up and jewellery. Taking trouble over your appearance shows the employer that the job is important to you.

Interview Tips – Travel

* Arrive 15 minutes early.
* Make sure you have the correct address and know how you will get there:
* Parking? Public transport access?
* Do a dummy run if you are not sure.
* Make sure you have a mobile phone and a telephone number so that you can ring ahead if circumstances beyond your control are making you late.
* Be polite to everyone you speak to, it could be the Managing Director’s cousin! Have a copy of your CV with you.

- Summary -

* You should show interest in all aspects of the job and the company especially if shown around the premises.
* Do your homework on the company and the nature of its business.
* Take care in how you dress for the interview. First impressions still count!

Some of the main influences on the interviewer are:

* Your experience in other employment or life situations
* Your personal presentation. How your personality comes across in the interview
* Your background and references
* Your enthusiasm for both the job and the organisation.
* Relevant qualifications for the position.